Wealthy Affiliate’s SiteHealth is an interesting concept. If you were technically inclined and familiar with web hosting and websites you might think it was some type of monitoring system that monitored your website for up time and would alert you of any issues. However, WA’s SiteHealth is more of a “best guess” of how you are doing at marketing your website and whether the search engines will like it.
SiteHealth Components
SiteHealth really only has two major components which are located in what could be called “status dashboards”. There is one dashboard on the SiteManager tab within the SiteRubix area which looks like this:

SiteHealth Dashboard
As you can see this page is a combination of certain details about your website as well as a SiteHealth progress bar and mainly consists of how many pages, posts, and comments it has. It does have some technical information about your websites which includes the date of the last backup, whether or not your website has been indexed by Google, WordPress core version, and whether you have enabled SiteSSL and SiteProtect which are collectively known as SitePlus+.
In the above screenshot you can see there is a SiteHealth status bar in the top right hand corner. Right below that bar is a “View Details” hyperlink. If you click on that link you will be taken to another page which has the above dashboard along with this dashboard:

SiteHealth “Additional “Details”
As you can see this additional dashboard contains colored circles with a percentage somewhere between 0% to 100% with 0% being bad and 100% being great. As with the previous dashboard these are mostly an indication or “best guess” at how your website is doing in areas that Wealthy Affiliate thinks is important to getting rankings and traffic from the search engines.
How Accurate Is SiteHealth?
As I’ve mentioned previously, SiteHealth is pretty much a best guess. It’s only an indicator Wealthy Affiliate designed to guide its members on the activities they should be doing to improve their websites.
Some things like Website Feedback, which is also called SiteFeedback, really doesn’t have any direct benefit to website rankings and traffic. It’s my personal belief that Wealthy Affiliate has included it within the SiteHealth system as a form of gamification to encourage more people to participate in the SiteFeedback system than otherwise might. As a result, there are more people to provide feedback to the people who really want it.
Final Thoughts
I personally believe that SiteHealth is more of a gimmick than anything else. I guess it provides some guidance on how to improve your website if you were truly grasping at straws for ideas. However, ultimately having 100% on all of the different aspects is not going to guarantee that you will get ranked in or receive traffic for the search engines.